Library | Bindura University of Science Education

Our Library

Institutional Repository Policy

Bindura University of Science Education has one library which is located at the Town Campus. It houses the collections of all five faculties.


The Institutional Repository Policy will enable Bindura University of Science Education to provide open access to scholarly work resulting from research done by staff and students of the University via the Bindura University of Science Education Institutional Repository (BUSE IR).


To harness the research output of the University and make it available to the global research community via open access platforms thereby accruing benefit to both the individual researcher and BUSE as an institution.


All BUSE staff and students MUST deposit the peer-reviewed postprints and the meta-data of their scholarly work with the BUSE/IR and give the University permission to make the content freely available to the global research community. Contributors to the BUSE/IR may include researchers external to the University if they are co-authors with BUSE authors or are affiliated with the University at the time of publication.


The target content for the BUSE/IR is peer-reviewed journal articles, conference proceedings, master’s and doctoral theses as well as all material published by the University e.g. modules, journals, etc. Research monographs and books are desirable but not mandatory due to the issue of royalty payments.


The meta-data as well as the postprint of a scholarly piece of work must be submitted to the BUSE/IR as soon as it has been accepted for publication. Theses must be submitted to the BUSE/IR as a pre-condition for graduation. The validity and authenticity of the content of submissions is the sole responsibility of the author of the said submission.


The copyright to material deposited in the BUSE/IR normally remains with the author of the work or the institution as is the case with theses. Self-archiving by authors in institutional repositories is allowed by a number of publishers as listed in the SHERPA ROMEO service. In cases where a publisher is not listed in the SHERPA ROMEO service, the University through its Libraries will seek the publisher’s permission to make the particular work Open Access.


BUSE will collect but embargo access to materials if a publisher requires it; if plagiarism is detected or copyright is breached. The BUSE/IR will normally accommodate an embargo period of six months after publication before an article becomes Open Access.


Deposited items shall be retained in the BUSE/IR indefinitely. The BUSE/IR shall ensure continued readability and accessibility. The BUSE/IR shall regularly back up its files according to current good practice.


If BUSE/IR receives proof of copyright violation or plagiarism, the item in question shall be removed immediately from public view.


The Pro-Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs shall be responsible for the overall compliance, verification and accurate classification of BUSE’s research publications. The Librarian is responsible for the operation of the BUSE/IR and through this, the open access communication of the University’s research publications to the wider community, wherever possible. Academic Deans are responsible for ensuring that lecturers submit their published articles and students submit their theses to the BUSE/IR.

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